Criticality of Emergency Preparedness
Preparedness Pyramid

Athena’s resources are particularly suited to support industries with inherently hazardous activities, be it crude distillation, products refining, chemical processing, storage, distribution and shipping activities. We have been in the forefront of numerous incidents, managing many that escalated to full-fledged physical emergencies, and others that reached crisis proportions, including those threatening territorial disputes and adverse reputational damage for the corporation.
On the basis of these experiential learnings our advice to clients is that successful management of emergencies and crises are not determined by the multitude of programs and protocols alone. It is equally vital to ensure that these programs and protocols are fully integrated and built on a stable foundation. This notion is perhaps best represented graphically in the diagram.
Enlightened managements invariably adopt a top-down approach towards Emergency Preparedness, often with the formal appointment of program managers for each of the constituent elements of the Preparedness framework.
Self-sufficiency in managing any foreseeable emergency within its operations is a key critical success factor for management of industrial organisations in meeting its corporate social responsibility (CSR). In accomplishing this goal, it is imperative that Emergency Preparedness (EP) is high on the priorities for both management as well as the workforce. Perhaps, in no other aspect of the workings of an organisation is the element of complete and undivided collaboration, between these two pillars of industrial organisations, so vital than in the realm of Emergency Preparedness.
Temple of Preparedness