Our Philosophy & Credo
Our guiding philosophy is founded on the principles of supporting industries to achieve a commensurate level of Health & Safety knowledge and competencies amongst management and workforce alike to facilitate organisational preparedness to mitigate operational risks and effectively respond to all credible incidents and emergencies

About Us
Athena HESS Consultants Private Limited (Athena) was incorporated in Singapore in June 2004.
The primary object of its incorporation is to provide consultancy and specialist professional services to manage industrial Health, Environmental, Safety and Security (HESS) risks in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industry.

Our Innovation
We are a dynamic and nimble organisation dedicated to supporting Industries to meet their challenges of loss containment. Our firm belief Is that this can only be achieved through adequate Planning and Preparedness. This goal requires Managements to have a good grasp of their operational risks along with their consequential-loss potentials.
Given our extensive frontline emergency and crisis management expertise, we have the capability to support organisations to put these elements of Planning and Preparedness in place.
In the course of fulfilling this role with our clients, it became incumbent upon us to innovate unique tools and systems.

Our Capability
Athena’s resources are particularly suited to support industries with inherently hazardous activities, be it crude distillation, products refining, chemical processing, storage, distribution or shipping activities. We have been in the forefront of numerous incidents, managing many that escalated to full-fledged physical emergencies, and others that reached crisis proportions, including those threatening territorial disputes and adverse reputational damage to the corporation.
Athena has the unique capability to leverage upon its close collaboration with professional institutions and national bodies such as World Safety Organization, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), The Institution of Fire Engineers, UK, Institute of Risk Management, UK, National Safety Council of Singapore; and other emergency response and safety related private organizations in a number of countries (the United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and China) to augment its resources to manage projects.

Our Mission
​Athena HESS is pleased to be embarking on this mission of awareness sharing on Industrial Emergency Preparedness for the benefit of Management and Workforce alike.
we aim to disseminate as widely as possible the technical knowledge and practical expertise relevant to the multifarious branches of Emergency Preparedness in industrial organisations.